Thursday, May 29, 2008


I know I know I'm sorry, I'll post pics as soon as I can find a comp that will let me do it! =)


Anonymous said...

Rebekah,So good to hear from you!! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily, I,m truly with you in spirit! So very proud of where you are and where you are headed! I ask every hiker,if they have crossed your path? What is your trail name? Take care and enjoy the journey!! Love and Hugs Cindy

Dixie said...

We are glad you are finally making one of your dreams come true. You know you are in our hearts and prayers. Take care of yourself and make sure you eat!!!!
We love you.
Dixie and Ralph

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Keep it up! And you look so hardcore with short hair ;)

Anonymous said...

The photos are truly beautiful! Faith is daring to put your dreams to the test!! Enjoy the journey! You are in my prayers and thoughts, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hey Rebekah,

What a delight to meet you yesterday (June 15, 2008, Father's day)at Pen Mar Park. Most of all to enjoy a meal with you and Juronimo. We all say HI, especially the kids. Your influence of independence and joy was felt. Hopefully we witnessed to you a sense of family and most importantly Love of God. We WILL keep checking on you and praying for you daily.

Your Pen Mar park Family...