Sunday, April 13, 2008

Detour Ahead

I spent some time in Libby, Montana Fall 2005. The intent was to interview and understand what everyday life is like in a town that made national news for its environmental degradation. I found myself sitting in the living room of an elderly couple struggling to live with the affects of "asbestos related diseases". Les explained how he came to Libby. He was on his way to Canada, or Washington, I don't know, en route from the mid west to the coast I believe. His car broke down in Libby. The part he needed wasn't available for awhile, then it was winter and terrible weather, he fell in love, got a job at the mine, etc, etc. There I was in his living room, a life time later.

So I've been thinking about all the little bits that make a whole, and how surprising it all is. I spent a lot of mental and emotional energy senior year of college trying to figure out what to do with my life. My decision to leave Montana for Virginia was rooted in a fulfilling job at Alta Mons for the summer, and supported with dreams of reconnecting with old loves; friends, family that hadn't been part of my daily life for three years. I wanted to cheer for my little brother at Cross Country meets, eat dinner with Cindy, run with Carrie and Susanna.

What I anticipated would be 6 months, a year, has turned into two. I have transitioned from summer staff to board of directors at Alta Mons. I have been to Brazil and back. I have rented and paid bills on my own, without a college loan refund check. I have watched a heart-bound genuine community rise out of loneliness and isolation. I have pulled 40 hour weeks and helped countless people in the store.

Every time I take more of life in Raleigh Court apart in preparation for the trail I think about memories from these years. Shooting for the Fincastle Herald, paddling with camp buddies, moving couches with Susanna, painting by headlamp, screwing orange and yellow wire caps to my dining room fan outlet, Erwin TN, road trip to Kristin's wedding, eating chocolate with Mark.

So here we are, gettin ready to uproot again and journey off, back in the saddle, and I'm singing a little

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