Monday, May 24, 2010


The further I ventured into Tennessee the more a southern mountain land I love came alive.
Air strong and thick with honeysuckle.
Cool night breeze.
Ligtening bugs flickered my beacon east, east to the Blue Ridge
Another night of car sleeping, and one final day of crazy driving cruised me into Virginia.... hey momma rock me....
I had nearly crossed the New River when.... little CR-V stopped.... on the interstate... 50 miles from my parents house.
Long story short - I got towed into Roanoke, first face I saw was my FAVORITE mechanic =) as I hopped out of the tow truck, threw my arms in the air and said "CHARLIE! I'm back from Montana!!! and my car won't work". Timing belt - gone, but the valves don't appear to be bent, and I have a niiiiiice buffer of time before I need to be cruising again to Ohio and then Luray.
It even happened early enough to still attend my little brother's 21 birthday dinner with the rest of my family.
Point is - I'm in Virginia. Tired but safe.
Goodnight song of the south

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